To be honest I'm not even sure why I am starting this blog. Perhaps I feel the need to document my ever-changing life or perhaps I just love writing more than I am willing to admit. As you may be able to tell by the title of my blog, this will mainly be a blog devoted to gaming. I've played video games almost my entire life and have recently been fascinated with the way these games have made me feel. For the first time, I have become aware that video games have started to transcend the barrier between entertainment and art. Games today share powerful messages about the world we live in, while at the same time placing us in situations that could never possibly exist, except in our imaginations. From the beautiful skies of the city of Columbia to the bright green and blue of the Mushroom Kingdom video games can transport you away from your troubles and worries. They provide a sanctuary in a tumultuous and often intimidating world, even if just for an hour or two. Obviously, these are just my feelings about games and while they may be shared by others, I understand that most people will find this kind of ideology strange or perhaps even laughable. I'm ok with that. I find it difficult to hate someone just because their opinions differ from mine. If this blog isn't your cup of tea, that's fine, my feelings won't be hurt, just know that I think you're awesome regardless.
This blog won't be 100% devoted to gaming because I have more interests than just that. You can expect posts about my law school endeavors, the Dodgers, movies, my son Max, and the zany antics of my wife (she's not that zany I just think she's funny). Most of the time I will be posting about individual games and the thoughts and feelings I experienced while going through it, or perhaps even just a plain review of the game. For the gamers who may read this, I hope you can relate to this blog and possibly contribute to its content. For the non-gamers and anyone who may have stumbled upon this blog by accident, I hope it can hold your interest for at least a few moments and perhaps maybe even shed some new light on a culture that is completely strange and odd to you. I don't think video games are going anywhere anytime soon so I am sure I will have plenty of things to write about. My first game post will be about Bioshock Infinite, so expect it shortly.
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